What's got you running?
At times, we are running like water down a high mountain stream. Twisting, turning, inverting, spewing, spraying out, and drawing in ever downward.
As you run, are you playing offense or defense?
I begin to analyze actions in my life to determine which way I'm running. Sometimes I feel like I'm spinning circles like a top. I flop over and realize I'm not making much linear measurable progress. So let's turn on the light and look at the direction we're running.

Life presents us with choices and challenges, and how we approach them can significantly impact our scoreboard.
In this post, we'll delve into two contrasting approaches: the reactive and the proactive.
If we think about basketball, life is really similar. It's a lot of back and forth on the court until we really take it to the competition to score.
By examining real-life scenarios, we'll explore the differences between these approaches and consider how adopting a proactive mindset can lead to more numbers on our scoreboards.

The Reactive Mindset: Navigating Life on Default Mode
Reactivity involves responding to situations in an automatic, instinctual manner. While this approach may feel natural, it can limit our potential for growth and fulfillment.
Here's a glimpse into the characteristics of a reactive mindset:
Impulsive Responses: Reactivity often leads to hasty decisions driven by immediate emotions, which might not align with our long-term goals.
Crisis Handling: Reactive individuals tend to address issues only when they become pressing, resulting in increased stress and fewer opportunities for thoughtful problem-solving. It's the "flat tire syndrome". You're going to have a flat! Plan for it.
Lack of Intention: Without a deliberate plan, reactive individuals may find themselves drifting through life without a clear sense of direction. No goals =wind blows you in any direction.
Short-Term Focus: A reactive mindset emphasizes the present moment, potentially causing us to overlook opportunities for personal growth and development. Annual crops vs Perennial.
The Proactive Approach: Cultivating Personal Empowerment
A proactive mindset, on the other hand, involves taking ownership of our actions, seeking solutions, and actively shaping our circumstances. Here's how adopting a proactive approach can empower us in various aspects of life:
Goal Clarity: Proactive individuals set meaningful goals and chart a course of action to achieve them, fostering a sense of purpose and determination. Do you think Michel Jordan had goals?
Preventive Thinking: Anticipating challenges and planning ahead empowers us to address potential issues before they escalate, reducing stress and enabling effective problem-solving. Remember Franklin's virtues?
Lifelong Learning: Embracing proactivity encourages continuous self-improvement, enabling personal growth and adaptability to changing circumstances. Your schooling may end but education should not.
Time Management: Prioritizing tasks and managing time efficiently allows proactive individuals to focus on tasks that align with their values and aspirations. Do you have your day planned? How about your month, year, or two years out? Top performers may have looked out further.
Benefits of Embracing Proactivity in Personal Actions
Confidence: A proactive approach instills confidence as we actively steer our lives, leading to a stronger belief in our ability to handle challenges. We build skills daily to defeat the competition.
Resilience: By preparing for potential obstacles, proactive individuals can better weather setbacks and emerge stronger from adversity. When winter comes, we have food in the larder laid by. And most likely plan B.
Maximized Opportunities: Proactivity enables us to spot and seize opportunities that align with our goals, potentially leading to significant personal and professional advancements.
Enhanced Relationships: Taking a proactive game encourages open communication and problem-solving in relationships, fostering deeper-rooted connections.
In the tapestry of life, we make the choices that shape our future. While reactive responses offer immediate relief, a proactive mindset empowers us to grow a purposeful yeild, weeding challenges as a known process to growth and fulfillment. By adopting a forward-thinking approach to what you can glean in the fall, setting goals, and taking intentional actions, we can navigate life's complexities with resilience, confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Sometimes all you need is a hammer, hustle, an idea of the goal, and some seeds in order to punch in a few plants and score. Well-intentioned, fancy, high-tech fixes usually put points on the other side of the board and distract from your own progress and self-interest. Keep running, just make sure it's in order to shoot the ball. And for heaven's sake make sure it is toward your goal!