Slaying the Giant of Fear
Remember when? January 2020. 5 years ago… Everyone was panic buying toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Stores couldn’t keep up with demand. The booze companies jumped in to support the cause for sanitation. All of the sudden, our small town, dry county grocery store had large displays of something that looked and smelled similar to the ingredients we used in our college cooler punch “recipes”.

I am one of the least germaphobic people you will meet. I’m into fermentation, unwashed veggies, unwashed eggs, and raw dairy products. I clean with water, vinegar, and essential oils.
Despite my fondness for microbes, even I was influenced by this pandemonium. We are constantly bombarded with propaganda from all sides. Even the most stubbornly independent of us struggles to sort it all out.

I found the evidence of my fear, when I was cleaning out the bathroom closet, which led me to look for a book I bought and read during that trial. "Slaying the Giant of Fear". It might be a good one to add to the re-read list for this year.
If we aren’t a little afraid sometimes, if we never endure hardships, we are not stepping out in faith enough. The last five years have been such a pivotal time for our family. Lots of realizations were made and much growing in our faith happened. Is still happening. Conquering fear strengthens us if we are teachable.