“RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.”

Franklin spoke of resolution saying:
"Resolution, once habitual, would keep me firm in my endeavors to obtain all the subsequent virtues”.
Would you jump head-first into the briars if you wanted a ripe berry?
It's not easy. You may get cut. You may get snake bitten. However...you really want the berry and can vividly imagine it's tart sweetness.
Are you going to harvest or merely plot your strategy to avoid the risk?
What has held you back in your life? What are your mooring lines? What has stopped you from plowing ahead?
We all have half-built bridges to islands we have never reached. Beautiful islands in luxury locations that we dream of, yet we have not sunk the pillars for the support beams.
I believe the "finished list" is more important than the "goal list".
In the book Winning, by Tim Grover, he mentions that there was no time clock for Jordan. The mindset was step 1, step 2, step 3..... next.
The cleanest jerseys don't get much play time, yet they typically party the hardest after the win.
The virtue of resolution can aid us in being finishers.
If your word to yourself is no good.... well, we need a resolution.
What have you finished?