“SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.”
Franklin's second virtue behind temperance was silence. Mr. Franklin thought that logically due to the ratio of two ears to one tongue, he could gain more knowledge by using them in the correct proportions. In addition to learning, by applying self-discipline to himself, he could “break a habit I was getting into (of) prattling, punning, and joking, which only made me acceptable to the trifling company”

I ask you, how much static is in your line? Are you taking in and giving off positive communication? We know that fiberoptics give us more transparent communications due to less resistance of the wavelengths in the conductor. How much signal is jammed in our life if we never shut up long enough to be silent? Is it causing static for our signal? It's time to apply Franklins' "Silence".